Writer, Writer, Pants On Fire

Corey Ann Haydu: Writers and School Visits



Today’s guest is Corey Ann Haydu, author of the YA novels OCD LOVE STORY, LIFE BY COMMITTEE, MAKING PRETTY, the middle grade novel, RULES FOR STEALING STARS and the upcoming YA novel THE CAREFUL UNDRESSING OF LOVE. A graduate of NYU’s Tisch School of the Arts and The New School’s Writing for Children MFA program, Corey has been working in children’s publishing since 2009. Corey joins host Mindy McGinnis to talk about how the acting world helped thicken her skin for the ups and downs of publishing, writing about OCD from a place of understanding, and the moment of choosing a voice for a story that determines whether it will be middle grade or YA, and what to try - and not try - at school visits. Corey's Links: Site Instagram Twitter Facebook Ad Links: Select A Story ROCKS FALL, EVERYONE DIES by Lindsay Ribar