Studio 78 With Nache Snow

07. The Power of Connection, Word of Month + Building a Brand With Alexis Campanis



San Diego graphic designer Alexis Campanis is continuously evolving. She's worked for others, herself, and is now partnering with other creatives to do more community based and philanthropic work. She also loves to travel and has lived in Pennsylvania, Alabama, and California. Alexis walks us through how she built her brand and provides tips on what entrepreneurs should keep in mind when building theirs. She also list off some amazing networking resources! Alexis Campanis Website: alexiscampanis.comInstagram: @alexiscampanisFacebook: Alexis-CampanisLinkedIn: Alexis CampanisFlickr: alexiscampanisBehance: alexis_campanis WHERE’S NACHE’ Website: nachesnow.comInstagram: @nachesnowTwitter: @nachesnowLinkedIn: nachesnowPodcast: Studio 78Facebook: studio78podcastPinterest: Tallook The post 07. The Power of Connection, Word of Month + Building a Brand With Alexis Campanis appeared first on Nache’ Snow - Resources for Creative Entrepreneurs | Studio 78 Podcast | Entrepreneur, Maker + Queen of Side Hustles.