Studio 78 With Nache Snow

26. Changing Lives Through Coaching and The Importance of Self Care



Tiko Davis answered the call to fulfill a higher calling for her life by becoming a life and business coach after working as a civil engineer for 8 years. She started out focusing on helping women find their life purpose and now mainly focuses on business coaching. As a business coach and soulpreneur, Tiko loves “supporting other light workers” by providing guidance on the structural and systematic aspects of service-based businesses. Tiko talks about her career transition from a civil engineer to a business coach and how a health scare has helped her realize the importance of work-life balance and self-care. WHERE’S NACHE' Website: nachesnow.comInstagram: @nachesnow Twitter: @nachesnowLinkedIn: nachesnow Podcast: Studio 78Facebook: studio78podcastPinterest: Tallook The post 26. Changing Lives Through Coaching and The Importance of Self Care appeared first on Nache’ Snow - Resources for Creative Entrepreneurs | Studio 78 Podcast | Entrepreneur, Maker + Queen of Side Hustles.