Writer, Writer, Pants On Fire

Pat Zietlow Miller: Writing Children's Picture Books



Today’s guest is Pat Zietlow Miller, who has received multiple awards for her many picture books. Her titles include SOPHIE’S SQUASH, WHEREVER YOU GO, SHARING THE BREAD, THE QUICKEST KID IN CLARKSVILLE, and the newly released WIDE-AWAKE BEAR. Pat joins host Mindy McGinnis to talk about how querying a picture book is different than querying a novel, the misleading ease of each project being 700 words or less, and why a children’s book writer who wants to be traditionally published should not seek out an illustrator before submitting their work.  Pat's Links: Site Picture Book Builders Blog Twitter Instagram Ad Links: AIR & ASH by Alex Lidell MY AMERICAN NIGHTMARE: WOMEN IN HORROR ANTHOLOGY by Azzura Nox