Studio 78 With Nache Snow

63. Knowing When to Quit, Stick, or Pivot



Mallory Whitfield teaches people how to creatively market themselves online and how to tap into their creative potential. In addition to her day job, she frequently speaks on topics related to creativity, marketing, and personal branding. She not only has a personal brand, but is also the producer, editor, and host of the Badass Creatives podcast. In this episode, we talk about how and why Mallory made specific career choices through the years. To include her decision to have a day job at different points in her journey and how her passions shifted through the years. We also discuss how she diversifies her income through affiliate marketing, teaching, speaking, and self-publishing. Mallory Whitfield Website: Instagram: @mallory.whitfield Linkedin: mallorywhitfield Twitter: MissMalaprop YouTube: MalloryWhitfield Pinterest: missmalaprop Badass Creatives Website:Badass Creatives Podcast: Badass Creatives Instagram: badasscreatives Facebook Group: badasscreatives2.0 Nache' Snow - Studio 78 Po