Arnold Radio News

85: We Need a Beard-Off (Arnold Classic Prep)



Hosts: The Gillinator, Brandon Krum, Shahi Sabzevari   It's that "Classic" time of year! Only sadly, Gillinator will not be attending this year! Sick and without a car, he still dutifully helps the others prepare, as there are exciting new additions like a Conan booth and a Comic-con type panel to anticipate. We also talk the Oscars, a new James Cameron interview with Terminator nuggets, and Gillinator's recent visit to Universal Studios sans T2:3D. Like ARN? Help us get bigger and ballsier by rating and reviewing us in iTunes, and sharing us with other Arnold fans! Episode Links: Arnold Sports Festival Conan Comic Universal Studios Orlando Contact us: @ArnoldRadioNews @gillinator @KRUMstudios @TheArnoldFans The Best Sites in Life: Arnold T-shirts by Randy Jennings TAFs Facebook Page Daniel Marshall Cigars Arnocorps