Active Motif's Podcast

How the "Fragile Nucleosome" Science Community Came to Life (Christine Cucinotta, Melvin Noe Gonzalez)



In this episode of the Epigenetics Podcast, we caught up with Dr. Christine Cucinotta and Dr. Melvin Noe Gonzalez to talk about how they brought the #fragilenucleosome seminar series and Discord channel to life.   Christine Cucinotta and Melvin Noe Gonzales are part of the organizing committee of the independent scientific community "Fragile Nucleosome." This community consists of a Discord channel with more than 1,000 members, a biweekly seminar series, a mentoring program, and a journal club series. The Fragile Nucleosome is organized exclusively by early-career scientists, without external sponsors or under the roof of a single graduate program or university.   In this interview, Christine and Melvin share the story on how the Fragile Nucleosome community got started, what has happened so far, and what the future plans are for the #fragilenucleosome.     References #fragilenucleosome on Twitter Fragile Nucleosome Discord Channel Fragile Nucleosome on Christine Cucinotta on Twi