Active Motif's Podcast

Unraveling Mechanisms of Chromosome Formation (Job Dekker)



In this episode of the Epigenetics Podcast, we caught up with Job Dekker from the University of Massachusetts Medical School to talk about his work on unraveling mechanisms of chromosome formation. In 2002, during graduate school, Job Dekker was the first author on the paper describing the chromosome conformation capture (3C) method, which revolutionized the field of nuclear architecture. In the 3C protocol, chromatin is crosslinked using formaldehyde and then digested using a restriction enzyme. After ligating the digested blunt ends of crosslinked DNA fragments together they can be analyzed using qPCR. In the next couple of years 3C was further developed and methods like 4C, 5C, and Hi-C were published. This led to the generation of genome-wide contact maps which helped understand the 3-D organization of the nucleus. Job Dekker’s research group is also part of the 4D Nucleome initiative, which is dedicated to understanding the structure of the human genome. More recent work of the lab includes analyzing i