Active Motif's Podcast

Chromatin Analysis using Mass Spectrometry (Axel Imhof)



In this episode of the Epigenetics Podcast, we caught up with Axel Imhof from the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich in Germany to talk about his work on the identification of chromatin associated proteins using mass spectrometry. As the head of the Proteomics Core Facility Axel Imhof collaborates with research groups around the world. In addition, in his own lab, he focuses on the assembly and composition of chromatin, how environmental metabolites influence epigenetic marks, and how chromatin factors can be used as markers for pathological states. In this episode we discuss what has changed in the field of mass spectrometry over the years, how Axel Imhof takes advantage of collaborations, how metabolites influence chromatin, and how he is helping to bring epigenetic profiling via mass spectrometry to the clinic.   References Bonaldi, T., Regula, J. T., & Imhof, A. (2003). The Use of Mass Spectrometry for the Analysis of Histone Modifications. In Methods in Enzymology (Vol. 377, pp. 111–130).