Great Managers® Masterclass With Sandra Wood

How to Deal With Defensiveness



Sometimes the hardest thing about managing people, particularly in relation to performance conversations and providing feedback, is dealing with defensiveness… the other person’s and your own! While defensiveness is a ‘normal’ human behaviour it can get in the way of our ability to communicate with others and achieve our desired outcome. It can feel like we’re going around in circles… or backwards even. It can be incredibly frustrating! However, if you know how to identify Defensiveness, understand it and handle it in an effective way before it takes hold, your discussions can be focused on the future, on solutions and next steps, as opposed to being stuck in protectiveness, the past, and who’s to blame. This MasterClass is all about How to Deal with Defensiveness in a skilful, emotionally intelligent way. If you would like to view the full-length lesson on Dealing With Defensiveness, for a limited time you can subscribe to the Great Managers MasterClass for free. Click here for more info.