Choir Ninja, With Ryan Guth

Uncover the joy of special needs choral students, with Ryan Guth



In this episode, I discuss ways to create meaningful relationships with your special needs students and their families of your choir program. You will also learn ways to accommodate these students moving forward both in class and in performance without depriving the rest of your choir of the attention they deserve. Listen   I recommend... My notes... Reach out to the family Phone is best If necessary, email requesting a phone call PRO TIP: Use a scheduler like to find a common call time Find out their goals "How can I serve [Student} better?" LISTEN and take notes. Restate parent's goals for [Student] in your own words so they know you're listening. Filter all commentary through an "I want [Student] to be successful and show him/her in the best light possible." After conversation, log the contact. Speak to the student, if possible What are your goals for being in choir? Suggest options if he/she needs help, i.e. to make friends, sing better, be on stage and pe