Choir Ninja, With Ryan Guth

How to teach a piece using sequential layering, with Denise Eaton



In today’s episode I invite Denise Eaton back for a look at her layering method of sequential teaching. In other words, this is a breakdown of her step-by-step process for teaching a new choral piece to her choirs.   Listen: Click to download episode! Highlight to Tweet: “Repetition is your friend and the key to successful learning.” -Denise Eaton #choirninja Show Notes: Eaton's Order of Events for Layering Skills in Sequential Teaching Teach rhythms before looking at song (including all like patterns throughout) Extract and breakdown rhythms for better understanding and skill development Learning rhythm doesn't only include chanting· singing is also encouraged Include emphasis on strong beats -always keep the text in mind Add solfege -always with appropriate, desired tone Introduce the key of the song through previous sight-reading (See resources and sponsor below) Extract only the melodic contour in solfege (before looking at song) for greater mastery later Chant solfege in rhythm -add emphasis o