Choir Ninja, With Ryan Guth

5 tips to stay sane during festival season, with Spencer Jones



Learn some hacks that will result in increased mental clarity and better musical work with Spencer Jones, choral director and founder of of Jonesin’ to Get Fit. Click to download episode! Show Notes: Schedule it  Lay it out in front of you on tools like a day planner or Google Calendar. Year-at-a-glance calendars are perfect for zooming out and seeing what’s coming up. Make a daily to-do list as a way to get everything out of your head. Feels great to cross it off! Prep - Did you adequately prepare yourself and your group for the event? Sometimes we just can’t be as prepared as we’d like, but you get as close as you can through… Looking over your calendar to see what’s coming up and making sure everything is in place. Just like a good sight-reader looks a measure or two ahead, so do you. Adequate score study Prepping non-musical things (Give away the menial tasks through delegation.) Delegate-  GIve away things that don’t need you, such as... programs taking attendance uniform organization soci