Choir Ninja, With Ryan Guth

The Creative Roots Run Deep, with James Mulholland



With over 600 choral compositions in publication, Prof. James Mulholland of Butler University chats with Ryan just before a concert exclusively of his works (including a new commission). Dropping the names of legends and movie quotes with equal ease, Prof. Mulholland reminisces on his early creative influences with surprising wit and tenderness, and advocates passionately for the careful regard for text. Listen: Highlight to Tweet: “When did you start loving music? That’s like asking, ‘When did you start loving your mother?’” -James Mulholland Show Notes: Prof. Mulholland has a strong relationship with poetry, inspired by his father’s love for the art. His upbringing included a memorable time when he was 17, sitting around a table with his father’s friends: Tennessee Williams, William Faulkner, and Truman Capote. He was drawn to his mother’s piano playing, and he emulated her. He is starting his 54th year at Butler University. It is a good fit for a man who considers himself more of a creator than a performe