Choir Ninja, With Ryan Guth

Chorus America: We’re in it Together, with Catherine Dehoney



As if free hoodies weren’t enough, Catherine Dehoney introduces you to the wealth of support available through Chorus America. She and Ryan also discuss the changing choral landscape, and exactly what it takes to thrive as a professional community chorus. And yes, for hoodies. Listen:   Highlight to Tweet: “Choral singing creates community like no other activity on the planet.” - Catherine Dehoney Show Notes: Chorus America primarily assists those choruses serving their communities as 501c3 organizations, but their larger focus is choral arts advocacy. Many of the choral fields (church, school, community) overlap, and chorus directors tend to wear more than one hat. Chorus America tries to translate non-profit management principles to choruses, to help them survive and thrive in the world of grants and public monies. Having a well defined mission is essential. Choral music educators are essential in the overall health of the choral field. They are the ones who control the supply pipeline. Profess