Choir Ninja, With Ryan Guth

Three Avenues for Publishing Music, with Ryan Main



A composition entrepreneur, Ryan Main explains the three paths to getting your music published, and tells you what you need to do to succeed in each of them. Through the successes and failures of Kansas City Music Publishing, Ryan learned the nuts and bolts of publishing, and today he shares with you the pros and cons of the three main avenues for publication: traditional publishing houses, an innovative online publishing company, and self-publishing. Listen Highlight to Tweet: “The trick to any of to just start doing it, and the pieces will fall into place.” - Ryan Main Show Notes: Traditional publishers: Useful for… • A low-profile composer • A prolific composer • A composer/director looking to raise their profile • A composer looking for more commissionsBut… • For every 1,000 sales you could expect to make about $200 • If a publishing company likes your piece they will promote it more, if it barely makes the cut, it may not even be on a reading session Publishing with an innovative publishing