Dreaming And Doing With Nicky Raby

Mini Episode 2: 'How to build resilience when you are full of self doubt after a slow month'



Let’s talk about quiet months… you know the ones. We’ve all had them. On a factual level they may look like this: Firstly money Most months making money and making sales is pretty predictable. You put your physical or digital ‘Come on in, We’re open’ sign out and passers by / adoring(?) and usually engaged audience popped on over and start asking how they can pay you. However this month, your customers have either gone on holiday or are taking a holiday from buying. This slowly starts to become increasingly disturbing as the days go by…16th,17th,18th,19th…you know you have some whopping bills at the end of the month. You start to question how you will pay them. When is the point you need to worry? How old is too old to ask your family to lend you some money? Why can’t you get the documentary ‘Pole dancing and me’ out of your head? When is the point where things gets so uncomfortable that you can start to tweak your values? To visit the show notes: https://www.nickyraby.com/coachingblog/miniepisodeone-feelings