Kerry Ruff

How To Develop a Brand Relationship Different Than Most / ANDRE TAYLOR



André Taylor has a distinguished 35-year career, building and advising businesses. He's the author of "You Can Still Win!" and a half-dozen other books, a frequent guest expert on ABC News, and an international authority on business excellence and entrepreneurship. André provides in-depth multi-competency learning, teaching the spectrum of knowledge and skills essential for professional and personal success. Andre Taylor CEOs of small and large businesses, managers in major corporations, government agencies, leaders in the non-profit sector, educators and students in academic institutions, and more, value André as one of the world's most respected voices in personal transformation, leadership, and executive development. His high-impact, research and experience-based, multi-competency learning, is reflective of the broader needs of emerging leaders, addressing today's societal shifts and competitive challenges while prioritizing smart decision-making, and disciplined execution. Kerr