Dave Rimington Show

Short Yardage/Goal Line Offense



First Downs and Scoring Touchdowns You have seen it over and over in pro football, a team is moving up and down the field with ease until they get into a situation that they need to get the final yard to score or get a first down.  Why do great offenses stall in these situations. I have theory that I would like to share with you.  First off I have to make a disclaimer...I haven't seen any statistics to back up my assertions that teams are having more problems in Goal line and short yardage situations.  It is just anecdotal evidence witnessed on my part.  My Theory:  Over the past 20 years game of pro football has become more of  game of horizontal movement on the offensive line.   Instead of displacing players vertically, plays and players are taught to get movement horizontally.  Simply put, players are not knocking back players they are moving opponents side to side.   When the inside zone became a big part of most of most pro teams offenses in the mid eighties, lead stepping offensive lineman w