Fitt Talk

Episode 10 - Taking the Bad with the Good



Welcome to The Fitt 30′s tenth episode! We’re celebrating this achievement with a special gift for all of you — a 15% discount on all personal training programs (use the code TF30 at checkout:! Use the code TF30 at checkout, and thanks for listening! Today, we discuss something that can be vital to your success — coping with unpleasant news, and finding the strength to continue on your path. Whether that news is as severe as Marc’s was recently, or you’re just having a particularly bad day, there comes a point where you will battle yourself mentally for the strength to keep pushing. Tune in to this episode and learn how to do just that. Items Mentioned In This Podcast - A special offer for dedicated TF30 listeners! - Exciting news regarding FIBO 2014! - Discussions on how to make the best of bad situations - How Marc and Matt deal with loss - Motivation to go out and do the things you have to do Links available at Marc’s Twitter: