Robb Wolf - The Paleo Solution Podcast - Paleo Diet, Nutrition, Fitness, And Health

Episode 441 - Q&A with Robb & Nicki #34



We're back with Episode 441, Q&A #34! Submit your own questions for the podcast at: Individual question videos are linked in each question title, but if you want to see the complete video for this podcast, be sure to check out our YouTube channel.   Show Notes:   1. Are Low Calories OK In Keto? [2:41] Lee Anne says: Hi Robb, A question maybe for a podcast. We have all heard the stories of people eating very low fat and low calorie diets to lose weight (think Biggest Loser). They later gain the weight back and can no longer eat as much as they used to and maintain as their metabolism is messed up. I am wondering if there is any science behind a low calorie (800-1000) per day hurting your metabolism? My thinking is if you are getting enough nutrients between food and supplements within the 800 calories - plus you body is "eating" your fat stores - would there not be any negative effects? Would love to hear you thoughts! I was not able to find a