Gametime (audio) With Andy Zitzmann

166: Don't Rush The Process



Today's show is inspired by and dedicated to my business partner Aj Amyx and his great Facebook post last week. Here it is:  "So many times as ENTREPRENEURS we WANT the vision we see and FEEL within ourselves created TOMORROW.  I read these words from Lao-tzu this morning...  Nature does NOT hurry, yet EVERYTHING is ACCOMPLISHED.   The REALITY is this...  You CANNOT make something GROW faster than it SHOULD.  TRY and you WILL kill it.  Where in your LIFE are you FORCING an OUTCOME rather than...   SEEING it for where it TRULY is.  Tell the TRUTH.  ACCEPT the truth.  Then maybe...just MAYBE... can EMBRACE the reality and move FORWARD.  A HARVEST is not reaped overnight.  ACCEPT the stage of the PROCESS you are in.  It's's YOUR's GAMETIME."    -Aj