Sap And Enterprise Trends Podcasts From Jon Reed (@jonerp) Of

Sapphire 2009 in Review Podcast: Jon Reed Interviews Michael Krigsman of Asuret



In the first installment of his "Sapphire in Review" podcast series, Jon Reed of welcomes special guest Michael Krigsman, President of Asuret and popular ZDNet blogger and Tweeter. Michael's focus is evaluating the keys to IT project success and failure, so during this twenty-eight minute podcast, Jon gets Michael's take on how project failure applies to ERP vendors and SAP specifically. Jon also gets the skinny on Michael's investigations of Business ByDesign at Sapphire, and why he sees SAP's focus on UI improvements and BI enhancements as important to ERP project success. In closing, Michael shares an inside view on what it's like to be part of SAP's Blogger Relations Program, mixing it up with SAP executives.