London Real




Born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, Vishen Lakhiani founded Mindvalley in 2003 while he was living in New York, after discovering the benefits of mindfulness and meditation to help him cope with a stressful sales career. Watch the Full Episode of Vishen Lakhiani on London Real for Free only at 00:00 Trailer. 01:40 Brian’s thoughts on the episode. 03:47 Brian’s introduction. 05:50 Vishen’s background and European connections. 07:01 Seeking ways to build on and accelerate student’s ideas of human consciousness. 10:55 How meditation increased Vishen’s earning potential and changed his outlook on life. 15:38 Change in skills taught required for future world with access to personal AI and robotics use. 20:01 New Mindvalley Academy one month city campuses will offer new vision of learning for all ages. 33:05 What Vishen learned from running the first city campus. 35:36 Experience of being on the USA Muslim watch list led to Mindvalley’s mission. 47:14 Speaking out with