Elsie's Yoga Class L Inspiration L Alignment L Connection

Ep. 15: 75 min Level 1 Yoga Class with a Pranayama Focus!



It's the first time that I've done a class like this one, especially for Level 1, it's a bit harder, as seated postures tend to be a bit more difficult for beginners, and yet they do give you just another opportunity to experience the depth of this practice.  Please have a bolster, blanket, towel, hard cushion, or meditation bench, close by while you practice to sit on while practicing pranayama and meditation!  Lots of focusing on the breath and a sweet meditation at the end.  Please guys, let me know what you think! Links:  to buy Douglas's CD about the yoga sutras! http://www.matrikayoga.com/Results.cfm?category=4 Have fun :)  THE SEQUENCE: table top pose downward facing dog into one legged down dog into a high lunge plank into baby chattarunga dandasana (only bending the elbows 3") X 3 surya namaskar x 2 Parsavakonasana with vinyasa (plank, chattarunga dandasana, cobra) Balasana Downward Facing Dog Vira 2 with vinyasa Crescent Pose with vinyasa Balasana Sitting to breathe Downward Facing Dog Straight legg