Elsie's Yoga Class L Inspiration L Alignment L Connection

Ep. 19: 75 min Level 1 Yoga Class- Giving and Receiving



My fantastic intro music Vic Hennegan 'Movin' Charity post link, please go there and write down your passions, what do you believe in?  Take action!  Write a post there or you can send me a voice feedback at 206 666 4439 Chris Arcucci's mighty blog link to the post I spoke about in class The Sequence: hands and knees Downward Facing Dog Eka Pada Downward Facing Dog high lunge Downward Facing Dog Uttanasana Tadasana Arm Salutations x 4 More warm ups! Sun Salutations x 2 Crescent Pose L Pose at the wall on forearms x 2 child's pose Parsvakonasana Prasarita Padotanasana Vira II Prasarita Padotanasana Tadasana Tree Pose Uttanasana deep lunge pigeon Balasana Ardha Bhekasana Dhanurasana x 3 Balasana Supta Padangustasana sequence Savasana