Elsie's Yoga Class L Inspiration L Alignment L Connection

Ep 87: 25 min Level 2-3 Yoga Class- Immunity as Receptive Strength



Hunter got sick and it totally made me think about immunity. I'm sure that those of you that read this blog and perhaps other content that is similar are aware that immunity is not just about bacteria and viruses being present in your body and all of a sudden you get sick. It's not just about the physical. It's all about the beautiful trifecta of mind, body and spirit. All of this affects the how your body reacts and doesn't react to pathogens that decide they want to wreck havok inside of your body. The optimized circulation (inter-relationship) of our thoughts, our deep desires and the clarity of our body is the magic formula to sustain supreme health in all parts of our lives. I want to work more on that circulation. While Hunter was sick I found myself getting harder, more fearful and less willing to soften, trust and be grateful. She has a cold for goodness sake! I felt a deep tightness in my belly. I let my mind go to places that it should not have been going to, and in the process I was feeling pretty