The James Swanwick Show

252: How to Structure Your Day for Success



Show Notes: The choices that you make about how you structure your day, what you spend your time on, the order that you do things in, has a very direct effect on how productive you are able to be and, as a consequence, how successful you are able to be. Today I am going through the details of how I structure my day, and specifically how I do so today versus earlier in my life when I was less productive. It’s the little choices that I make throughout the day that, individually don’t seem like much, but add up to a large advantage, For instance, most people listen to pump-up music or something like that when they’re working out, but I listen to educational material. This simple choice ensures that I get an additional 30-90 minutes of education every single day, and over time, that adds up to far more knowledge. That is just one of the examples of how I make consciously and very purposeful choices to make sure I am able to get the most out of every day. Learn the rest of them on this episod