The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 281: Boost Performance, Prevent Injuries, & Upgrade Your Movement Diet - With Guest Dr. Kelly Starrett



One of my favorite definitions of the word diet is “habitual nourishment”. We can unknowingly develop tunnel vision and think that food is our only source of nourishment. True, food is a huge part, but our diet consists of far more than what we are putting in our bodies. Our movement practices, our exposure to healthy environments (with adequate fresh air and sunlight), the influence from the relationships in our lives, and several other factors play a key role in our habitual nourishment. To attain true, sustainable health as a human being, all of these areas need to be addressed intelligently. And no one knows that better than today’s guest, Dr. Kelly Starrett. Kelly is a doctor of physical therapy, world-class coach, thought leader, and New York Times bestselling author. He’s having a tremendous impact in our world by being an advocate for a culture of movement. The way we move can tell a lot about us as an individual, and the improvement in our movement diet can directly enhance every area of our lives. O