The Model Health Show: Nutrition | Exercise | Fitness | Health | Lifestyle

TMHS 318: Thinking faster and better (and how to recover from the mistakes you make) - With Guest Jim Kwik



How we think influences every aspect of our lives, from personal development and creating habits to how we show up in our relationships. If we can simply implement small shifts in our perspective, then we can transform our lives in immense ways. If there’s anyone on the planet that knows about using thought to boost productivity, it’s world-renowned learning expert, Jim Kwik. On today’s show, we’re discussing the importance of building memory fitness, and the power of identity. You’ll learn mind-blowing hacks to broaden your perspective, optimize your thinking, and boost your productivity. As always, Jim is bringing you practical and effective tips that you can use to elevate the way you think. You’re about to uncover powerful tools that truly hold the potential to change the way you think and behave. In this episode you’ll discover: The surprising effects of decision fatigue. What it means to live in a knowledge economy. The importance of having internal resourcefulness. How books and podcasts can help you