She's In The City By Nasheville

Stressless Eating with Leanne Ellington, Pt. 1



Leanna Ellington grew up what she calls a “couch potato kid.” From a young age she was overweight, even attending her first Weight Watchers meeting at just 8 years old. As a young adult, after years under the control of diet mentality and chronic shame, her whole life revolved around how she looked and what she ate.  Can’t all of us identify with this toxic struggle to enjoy food but also stay thing and look how our inner critics tell us we should look?? Well, near the end of her college years, Leanne hit a breaking point. She did a drastic diet and lifestyle overhaul and lost nearly 1/3 body weight (about 100 pounds) in her early 20s. From there forth, she operated under a “results rollercoaster," leaving her more fit than she’d ever been but also victim to a self-rejecting relationship with her body and habits of disordered eating.  After several years of nutritional and biological education, teaching, and even starting her own “Not your average bootcamp” business at home in Orlando, Leanne found the body s