Overdrive: Cars, Transport And Culture

Overdrive: Buses don't fit stops; Nissan 370 Z; A glorious retro; Passion in cars



Welcome to Overdrive, where we cover everything to do with motoring and transport from the sublime to the ridiculous. I’m David Brown And in this program, we look at news stories with including: 1. New super-sized $15 million bus fleet won't fit in bus stops 2. Cycling groups outraged at WA Road Safety videos depicting riders as 'losers' 3. German cities to trial free public transport to cut pollution 4. Express delivery: use drones not trucks to cut carbon emissions, experts say 5. New supercabs to tackle dangerous driving on England’s motorways 6. Land rover celebrates year of the dog with canine friends We hear from a young lady who is a transport planner who travelled to Canada to research some aspects of her profession including how traffic engineering can move into modern world of technology and more professional women. Alan Zurvas road test the Nissan 370z with the Nissan Motor Sport Nismo make over. Is it worth the effort And in our panel discussion with Errol Smith and Brian Smith we take a happy-