People Like Games

A Conversation with Yngvill Hopen - [Art and Game Director of PODE] || peopelikegames



It's Solo here and I'm excited to announce that the good ol friendos had a new guest on the show this week. I had the opportunity to speak with Yngvill Hopen, the Game and Art Director of "PODE" and the Co-CEO of the Norwegian independent game studio, Henchman&Goon • We discuss the process and development of Pode & how the studio was able to create such a beautiful game with a small team and no money. we also discuss: - where the games visual inspiration was drawn from - how the game maps and puzzles were implemented - the toughest issues they had to overcome. • We also discuss the challenges that independent studios face in finding consumers and the back-end economics of it all. In addition to a whole lot of fun gaming conversation and more! • [| a people like games production |]