Pure Soul Alchemy With Gabriella

Exiting the Victim/Abuser Paradigm



This session is a shamanic treatment to help you Exit the Victim/Abuser paradigm. When you are in (or have just recently left) a Victim/Abuser situation, there is a big pull to try to understand what went wrong, how you can make it better and how you could have done things differently. This is very difficult because of the abuse, manipulation, dishonesty, confusion and the energetic stuckness of it all. Another big pull is to chronically re-circulate in the emotions of shame, confusion and powerlessness. Also, there is a lot of addiction and fantasy underlying the attraction. In this session, we will implement shamanic processes to untether our minds, emotions and energy from these oppressive structures, reclaim our empowered independence and reclaim our freedom to create a life of love that is constructive and nourishing to our heart and souls.   Donate here: https://www.paypal.me/PureSoulAlchemy   Crypto Tip Jar: https://www.puresoulalchemy.com/crypto-donate   Learn more at www.PureSoulAlchemy.com