Meet Cute

Christmas Decorations



Twas the night before crimus and all through the studio not anyone was listening not even depiglio.  The microphones were connected to our laptops with care in the hopes that a sponsorship soon would be there. The topics all researched, locked away in our heads, while the vision of being cancelled filled us with dread. Jimothy in his kercheif as he leaned into dab, had just settled in to call himself a cab. When there on Audacity there arose such a clatter, we sprang from our seats to see what was the matter. Away from the screen we flew like a flash, when suddenly we saw, that the program had crashed. The bluescreen of death we would soon come to learn, had made the night take a terrible turn. Podcast krampus was at it again, disappearing our tracks, all we could do was go grab some snacks.  We sat down again to record a new ep, although jimothy just went home and slept. So here comes this episode, straight to your ears. It's about Christmas decorations, so settle your fears. We discuss things like ligh