Beth Ariel La Podcast

The Believer and the State



(Speaker: Gary Derechinsky)(Passage: Romans 13:1-7)(Series: Romans 12-16)A Prayer:Every good gift and perfect gift comes from You. You have promised to bless the nation that trusts in You. You, O God, are our only hope ... Hear our prayer and, for Your honor's sake, shine Your face upon this nation. Give our leaders the desire to seek Your wisdom and the courage to follow Your guidance ... and watch over the men and women of our armed forces as they sacrifice for the cause of freedom. We give You thanks for all You have done for us, and we earnestly pray that You will help us become, once again, a nation whose God is the Lord.In the name of Your Son, and our Savior, we pray. Amen.(taken from the National Day of Prayer 2012 by Dr. David Jeremiah)