Millennial Musings With Anurag

25.0: On normalizing and de-stigmatizing divorce with Shasvathi Siva



The institution of marriage is often propped up to be this sacred, unbreakable bond between couples (and in some cultures, their families) and places unhealthy and sometimes dangerous expectations on individuals. Due to these inflated expectations, when a relationship begins to fail, the individuals are often left in an incredibly difficult position, especially in countries like India, where taking the step towards divorce is largely frowned upon. On today's episode, Anurag and Shasvathi discuss normalizing and de-stigmatizing divorce in India, and how Shasvathi's personal experience led her to becoming a champion for others through her movement #DivorceIsNormal and the subsequent support group it spawned. Among many other topics, they discuss societal pressure of being in a marriage, dealing with the trauma of divorce, the arduous legal journey of seperation, and how allyship matters in normalizing divorce.  Shasvathi Siva is a Chennai girl settled in Mumbai. After her divorce in 2018, she started vocal