Grey Muzzle Geekery's Podcast

Episode 049: Red, White, Black & Dapple All Over.



Welcome to Episode 49, for the week of April, 27th 2020!*Editor's Note* Apologies for the echo by the hosts. Long story but there was some virtual cables being looped and we couldn't remove it. Sorry!This week White and Red remain indoors, talk about The News pertaining to free PlayStation games, Nintendo data breaches, Harry Potter snakes & Avatar: The Last Air Bender on Netflix! Then we talk to two of our friends, Bada and Shadowquine of Secondlife! Remember to pay attention to factual reports from the CDC! us on Patreon!Watch us on Twitch!Subscribe to us on YouTube!     Like us on Facebook!         Follow us on Twitter!         Peek in on Instagram!       Chat with us on Discord!Email us on Gmail!A special thanks to fellow Patreon member 'Pepper Coyote' for letting us use the song 'Drive' for our new intro theme!