Is Now A Good Time?

Siggy Bilstein & Joey Yang - Big Dada



Siggy and Joey are the instigators of DadaConf (, a conference built around the idea of “Big Dada” -- think Big Data meets Dadaism. Siggy and Joey work in the tech industry but maintain a sense of both the promise and absurdity of technology. They started DadaConf in order to bring people from all different backgrounds together to learn new skills from each other and subsequently use their newfound skills to make something really DUMB. “It was really freeing to see some things that can be construed as progress as not really progress, but more just as motion . . . It’s like a light hearted non- or anti-hackathon.” ~ Siggy “Creation is an act of joy in a lot of ways . . . You have to start by sucking at something. You have to start as a beginner and that’s the thing that people don’t tell you.” ~ Joey Podcast mixed by Mike Benz. Photo by Chloe List. DadaConf is May 6-8, 2016 at NIMBY in Oakland (8410 Amelia St). Buy your ticket here: