More Geek Than Gay

Episode 50 - We're Fifty! or I Love Australians



Look at us!  The big 50! Not years, but episodes!  Wooooo! And in this one we got a bunch. Joseph starts off the shenanigans and announces our new sponcor - Compete Magazine!  Also he give us the skinny on a contest where you can win autographed works by Marsheila Rockwell and around 20 other authors!  Good Gravy!Then I join the fun and mention the book sale I went to and how Joseph with to the Gay Rodeo, then it is time for the first part of our interview with Gini Koch - you've heard us talk about her, now experience her yourself!  We get a quick tour of Joshua Tree Feeding Program, talk about Broadway, a bit o' movie chat, answer questions and share a little love with Patrick from Screamqueenz (with a Z!) Dang.  How do we do it?  I dunno, but I bet it has something to do with you all!  Thanks and keep it coming! Compete Magazine - Gini Koch - contest for Marsheila Rockwell (and others!) - Screamqueenz! -