Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 122: Lennox McNeary, Co-founder and CEO of ArchiveCore



  Today we are pleased to welcome Lennox McNeary, CEO of ArchiveCore, to the podcast.  Lennox was part of the most recent RevTech Labs program and we got the chance to sit down with her and a few of her classmates to talk about their experience with the world class program as well as learn more about their businesses. ArchiveCore is a creating a simplified credentialing process for complex industries.  Lennox understands this well as she is a physician as well as a co-founder and grew frustrated with the process of hiring in her profession.  The typical delays of 90 days or more are costing hospitals money and reducing access to care for patients. ArchiveCore is building a software - utilizing blockchain technology - and a process to help the process become much more efficient.  Listen in to today's shorter podcast to learn more about the business model and how Charlotte has and continue to help ArchiveCore grow.   William Bissett is the owner of and an Investment Advisor Representative of Portus Wealth