Privateer Press Primecast

Privateer Press Primecast Episode 20



Episode 20 of Privateer Press Primecast has arrived! Join co-hosts Simon Berman and Ed Bourelle as they interview fellow staffers at Privateer HQ. Ed talks to Convention Coordinator, Michael Plummer about his experiences at Lock & Load 2015 and what's in store for the summer convention season. RPG Producer Matt Goetz speaks with Simon about the upcoming Iron Kingdoms Full Metal Fantasy adventure, Bad Moon Rising, and the Skorne Empire supplement for Iron Kingdoms Unleashed. Ed takes the opportunity to discuss the rules and development of WARMACHINE: Reckoning with Development Manager, David "DC" Carl. Finally, Writing & Continuity Manager, Doug Seacat returns for his Seacat Speaks segment, to shed some light on the nature of souls in Caen.