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Kevin Kirchman | Green Energy Entrepreneur Challenges The Greenhouse Gas Theory



Mr. Kirchman is the CEO of Worldfree, Ltd, a digital currency software firm, and Editor of the Climate Science Journal, which seeks to restore higher standards of integrity and scientific openness to the climate debate.Please also see his paper to follow along: https://www.climatesciencejournal.com/invalidity-of-greenhous-gas-thy/Timestamps:2:15 His renewable energy firm which made vertical axis turbines that captured CO₂ from the air, cracked water into oxygen and hydrogen, then made synthetic methane from the CO₂ and hydrogen.3:50 His initial findings of conflicts in the story about CO₂ in 2010.9:20 CO₂ cooling effect on the planet, storing thermal energy; endothermic.10:09 The standard model of physics (last 50 years); photons interact with electrons and neutrons. The greenhouse gas theory is 100 years old.18:30 If CO₂ is causing greenhouse effect why does it get cool so quick in shade and in a total lunar eclipse?23:00 People don't take the time to research for themselves.23:45 Hydroxychloroquine vs COVID