Wood Between Worlds

Spontaneous Human Combustion & Children of Woolpit



Instead of a news story, today we do a short interview with Rachel. Shes a fan of the show who has a pretty crazy story of her own reincarnation! Candace gets into the idea of spontaneous human combustion, She goes through a few accounts of what was thought by some to be SHC but things arent looking good for this supposed phenomenon. Fabia shares the strange and unusual story of the Children of Woolpit. They are green...are they aliens? are they from the center of the earth? are they just lost? find out on this episode of Wood Between Worlds.Warning: We are both extremely tired during this recording. We laugh at what one may call 'inappropriate times' but it is just the sleep deprivation talking.Find us on Facebook & Instagram @woodbetweenworldspodcastFind us on Twitter @woodworlds...............................................Email us with suggestions at twogirlsonemic@woodbetweenworldspodcast.comVisit our website www.woodbetweenworldspodcast.com