Charlotte Angel Connection

Charlotte Angel Connection Episode 121: CFV Ventures with Nat Clarkson and Dan Roselli



  Today, we are fortunate to have Nat Clarkson and Dan Roselli  join us on the podcast to talk with us about CFV Ventures. We all know Dan and Nat from their work at RevTech Labs/QC Fintech. We wanted the opportunity to sit down and explore what CFV Ventures has been up to since closing their first fund.  Since this is our first time talking with Nat on the podcast we spend a good bit of time learning more about his background before we shift the discussion over to the fund.  Once we dive into the fund discussion we get into what types of companies they are investing in and where they are investing. It's great to hear the relationships they are creating and the awareness this fund is having on the world's perception of Charlotte.  Listening to Nat and Dan talk I realized how far Charlotte's ecosystem has come and yet how much further it can continue to go.  Fortunately, Charlotte continues to recruit good companies and talent - in large part to the work of Dan, Nat and many others have had in supporting th