Tonos Radio

Ep 8 | Intelligent Intensity, Intermittent Fasting, and Some Weird Sh%^



Sabrena and Matt open the show discussing the most awkward social situations, including grade school hallways, hugging, and greetings. Then we get into listener questions, sing a song, and BS a little more. In answering a listener question regarding High Intensity Interval Training, we talk about appropriate intensity and athletic lifespan. I reference an article I wrote a little while ago: Then, we get into the heart of the episode: more ridiculously unscientific trends coming out of the startup world. Specifically, we reference, the following article: We ask the question: Do the benefits of intermittent fasting (if there are any) outweigh the potential downsides? And - more importantly - are there safer, more proven measures that can be taken before we resort to such extremes?