Ladies Skate Only

New: Rosali, Annie Keating, Halley Greg, Van Plating, Madi Diaz and more!



"A mix packed full of new tunes from a bevy of genres, courtesy of some of the most talented women in music. [youtubelg][/youtubelg] [youtubelg][/youtubelg] 00:00 - Emily (I Wonder by Yasmin Williams) 02:11 - Pour Over Ice - Rosali 05:16 - Howl - Lea Thomas 09:45 - Nobody Knows - Annie Keating 13:50 - Emily 15:18 - Woman In My Heart - Madi Diaz 18:13 - I Can't Stay The Same - Vanessa Carlton 21:47 - Slipping Away - Pearl Charles 25:31 - Fallin' Angel - Van Plating 27:31 - Emily 28:27 - Madonna's A Dick - Broken Baby 31:12 - Anything At All - Bachelor 34:31 - The Gaslight - Halley Greg 40:08 - Cycle - Golden Ones 43:15 - Emily 45:04 - Bussifame - Dawn Richard 49:36 - Jacuzzi - Dawn Richard 52:55 - Tumble Down The Undecided - Sarah Neufeld 62:07 - Finish "