Add Water And Stir: Women Of Color | Adoption | Foster Care | Parenting

AWAS 032: School Daze | Thriving



On the last episode of their series, School Daze: What Foster and Adoptive Parents Should Know about Navigating the Educational System, Mimi and AdoptiveBlackMom discuss creating an environment where your child will thrive educationally and socially.  In the first segment, the ladies talk about the importance of extracurricular activities in child development. Kids need extracurricular activities--music, sports, and the arts among other things--to build social skills, improve executive function, and improve behavioral outcomes. So you go to all the activities, and your child is thriving.  You?  Not so much!   In the second segment ABM and Mimi talk about how new parents make friends?  How do foster and adoptive families find their parenting tribe?  Becoming a parent is a life changer that brings about numerous changes including, who you hang with on non-date nights.  So, how do you go about finding your new group of buddies who offer a compassionate ear, similar parenting approaches and advice, and well, who