Pedia Pain Focus

Yoga in Pain Management: A Powerful Tool for Physical and Mental Well-being!



Yoga is much more than just a physical exercise. It's an ancient mind and body based practice that involves self-paced physical movement, meditation, and breathing techniques.  Practicing Yoga can change your and your patient's life in ways you never imagined!   An array of incredible benefits from yoga have become evident in healthcare, professional sports and our day-to-day lives promoting physical and mental well being. But how does it actually work? How does one heal through yoga? When is it appropriate to do yoga if you/your patient has pain?   Join me in this episode as I talk more about yoga with Ms. Amanda Machado, MPH. Not only is she a certified yoga teacher and entrepreneur, but she’s also a public health epidemiologist with over a decade of experience in disease prevention!   Amanda brings even her personal perspective to the practice of yoga, as she shares with us how it helped her heal from anxiety and trauma!  In addition, she shares the how yoga is beneficial for your pain patients, how to cou