Kendra After Dark

Jayde is Gnarly, Type 1 Diabetes is Not.



This week I sit down with a long time friend Jayde. We talk about her daughter having Type 1 Diabetes, a chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Jayde takes us through what lead up to the diagnoses and how this changed their life. We talk about the daily life challenges and also what they have done to better manage the diagnoses. We also dive into some old memories and talk about life and all that has happened during the time we have known each other. Time to sit back, relax, and enjoy this weeks episode of Kendra After Dark.  Kendra After Dark is looking to discuss the topics you want to hear!! Please send us an email at with any questions or suggestions to be discussed via an upcoming episode.  Kendra After Dark is sponsored by Gaia Provides LLC. Gaia (pronounced Guy-ya), in Greek mythology, is the personification of Mother Earth – interconnected, nurturing, healing & providing. Gaia Provides is a holistic, Arizona small batch company, creat